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I’m the person who... BEAT BULLYING !

Dans le cadre d’une séquence intitulée "Living together" dont la deuxième partie s’intéressait au harcèlement scolaire, les élèves de la classe de 4ème 4 ont rédigé et récité des poèmes dans lesquels ils jouaient le rôle d’ex harceleurs pour parler de leur fautes et de leurs erreurs au lycée, ainsi que pour s’excuser de leurs actes.

Découvrez certains de leurs travaux ci-dessous !

I’m the person who apologizes for what he’s done.
I’m the person who hurt your heart.
I’m the person who made you think that you were useless.
I’m the person who made you become depressive.
I’m the person who asks for your forgiveness.
I’m the person who beat you.
I’m the person who broke your like.
I’m the person who made you feel bad.
I’m the person who cut your relationships.

Y.K. & A.N.

I’m the person who made you a sad and depressive person.
I’m the person who made you and envious and jealous person.
I’m the person who made you a doubtful and crying person.
I was just a bad person.
Now it’s time for apologies.
I’m sorry for all the harassment I’ve done.
I will never do it again.
Now it’s finished.
I want to make you a happier and kinder person.
I want to make you a more admirable and affectionate person.
Now I want to be an agreeable person.
